The Gold Castle Mine (20.66 Acre Lode Mining Claim)
The Gold Castle Mine lode mining claim is a 20.66 acre unpatented mining claim in the Rocky Mountains, approximately 43 miles West of Fort Collins in the Manhattan Gold Mining District of Northern Colorado. It is only a few miles South of Red Feather Lakes. Because it is on National Forest land, it allows camping, hiking, dogs, and shooting.
This mine has historic dumps that are filled with cans and bottles, 5 major open stoped or collapsed tunnels, several prospects, huge tailings piles, a creek, road access, historic cabin structures, historic ore bin and possibly processing building. It is has not even been completely explored! Scroll down for maps, including an interactive Google Maps window.
The ore seen in the tailings pile rates from medium grade to high grade sulphide and quartzite type ores.
Estimated gold reserves in tailings: Unknown
Estimated gold reserves on claim: Unknown
This claim is in the area that burned as part of the Cameron Peak Fire (Colorado's Largest Wildfire as of October 30th 2020). I have not made it to the claim to assess what has burned and what hasn't. The minerals won't change, and burnt trees make for excellent timber! I do not know if any part of the claim has burned or not as part of this wildfire. This offer will last until I have a chance to visit the claim, it could be soon or in a month!
Scroll down to fill out a purchase order!
Only feet from the road are these historic structures, an ore bin, cabin, and possibly a small mill
Immediately next to the historic structures, is the massive collapsed adit. This may have been open-stoped!
View of ore bin above the possible small mill building
The main collapsed adit and buildings flaunt an impressively extensive tailings pile, containing medium grade sulphide ores
Looking down the tailings pile to the road below
Looking back at the ore bin, about halfway along the tailings
The possible mill building, directly below the ore bin
The ore bin is still almost half filled!
The old mining road to the top of the mountain runs down the middle of the claim, it is now closed to vehicles
The center of the claim has many meadow areas and aspen groves, stunning in the fall!
The Northwest half of the claim has several small prospects, this is one of them
Another view of the old mining road winding through the forest
One of the historic dump sites, filled with miner's refuse
A short vertical shaft prospect used as a dump for the old miners
An open stope collapsed tunnel site
A collapsed heavily timbered tunnel, possibly open stope, at the very least a LARGE tunnel cross section
Yet another open stope collapsed tunnel site!
Note the gobbing for a path or retainer at this collapsed tunnel site, it runs up another 50' before ending at a pit, there may still be a tunnel if it was dug out
This collapsed tunnel site still has a timbered arch sticking out of the debris!
A closer view of the old cap on the timbered arch, you can see the posts sticking up at either end
Possible tunnel location, more likely a prospect trench
Likely a surface cut near the bottom of the hill
View of tailings through the trees from below the collapsed tunnels above
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